Pack 40 Cub Scouts in Quincy

Cub Scout Pack 40 has been around for many years. Just like any activity, it has its ups and downs. We currently have around 15 boys and are in a rebuilding stage. We have a good number of active parents and boys and are looking to do more as we grow and learn more about the program and get more training.

St Paul Lutheran Church here in Quincy is our Sponsor and we meet there.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wolf Den Pumpkin Painting 10-27-08

With Halloween just aroudn the corner, we thought what a great way to spend a meeting but painting pumpkins....I know, it is not carving them....but do you want to try and carve 8-12 pumpkins in 1 hour.....neither did we, so here are the pix of our Wolf Den (2nd Graders) painting their 'kins.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Corn Maze 10-17-08

We took our Cubs to the Corn Maze just South of town tonight. There was about 15 boys and a few little sisters running aroudn in the maze with them...along with 8-10 parents. We had a great turnout...didn't loose any of the kids...and some even found all the stuff they were looking for.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Joining Night Success!! 2008

Well, we had our Pack Party Night. We had about 25 boys and their parents show up for the fun and games we had planned. A few of our existing leaders had activities for the boys in our big meeting hall, and I took the parents into a smaller classroom and talked about the program with them. We had a good night....5 boys signed up that night...and the rest of our dens will be meeting this coming week...and we will see how that goes. Here are a few pix of our activities and the full house.